The Pond began as a storm water facility requirement by the city of Fort Worth and has been developed to create a detention/RETENTION pond.
Now, we are creating a great outdoor space for water activities. Much of the important and enjoyable activities in the Texas outdoors involves our beautiful lakes, rivers and streams. Much of fishing, boating, waterfowl hunting and other activities can be demonstrated and practiced right here.
Here, Texas Frontier Park will host vendors that provide service to water related activities and properties. Events will be hosted here to encourage families to enjoy Texas lakes, rivers and streams, as well as support property owners work with water on their land.
Current Status

The design of the Pond is such that it retains a permanent retention pool level of water, supplemented by an irrigation well on the property. It also has a fixed overflow spillway, should a storm it’s detention capacity.
- Pool depth in the center – 14′
- Surface area – approx. 16,000sf
- Wall contains – 30,600sf
- The overflow spillway is 5′ about the detention drain
The long term plan is to build a board walk around the perimeter, raise trees and other vegetation in the basin and above the permanent retention water line.
- The basin will not open to the public, but to the tenants and their customers
- Private events can be scheduled
- Some events will be scheduled and open to the public
- Ramp is designed to accommodate event vehicles to set up at the waters edge
- Floating dock for fishing and other activities